

    Posted by in Frintage | 0 comments

      Summertime has come around again….and, with it come lots of hazy days spent with family and friends…good times!! A sunny evening, friends gathering for a scrumptious Summer Barbecue and loads of chatter…what more could you ask for?!! Summertime menus give an opportunity

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    More Dalkey Days…..!!!!!

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    Frintage was a great success at The Tramyard, in Dalkey, this weekend!!!! And, it will be back!!! Next Saturday and Sunday (the 22nd and 23rd March), the shop will be open from 11am to 4pm, each day. Why not pop in to have a browse!!!!

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    A Day in Dalkey….

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    well…..it’s four days, actually!!! Frintage has arrived at the Tramyard in Dalkey!!!  This forthcoming weekend (St Patrick’s Weekend), Frintage will be available to buy in this  quirkey little spot, on Castle Street. I’m so excited about the prospect!!!! Why not pop in

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    The Two Marketeers….

    Posted by in Frintage | 1 comment

    My husband and I appreciate so many facets of French Living, but in particular, we  hugely enjoy the French Market!! There is nothing more satisfying than, finding a recipe,  heading off  bright and early to a local Market, choosing the freshest of produce and returning to create a delicious

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    Let It Snow….

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      The Winter has, well and truly,  settled in…It  brings with it, not the very friendliest of weather,but it also has a knack of showing-off  and presenting  us with the most breathtaking scenery!!!…….. One of the places the Winter does this, with great panache

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    A Little Bit of Paris….

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        Enjoy a little piece of Paris in Dublin!! Le Petit Parisien…THE MOST wonderful little cafe, tucked away on Wicklow Street. This is one café, which truly lives up to it’s name!!!! It bustles, from early morning, right through the day…the atmosphere is

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    Winter Warmers…..

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    When days seem shorter with Winter darkness, I believe there is nothing more satisfying (and more delicious), than a comforting Winter-warming dinner! One of my top favourites is Slow-Cooked Pork Belly. ..So unctious and tender…with all the flavours of Winter. This most exquisite of all

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    Wrap-Up Weekend!!

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    What a blustery weekend!! The crisp Autumnal weather is having a bit of a shake-up!! But, I love it!!  There is nothing nicer. with the rain and wind lashing against the windows, than sitting in front of a roaring fire, a warming cup of coffee and a good  Cook Book in hand…Autumn gives us

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    Falling leaves and cosy fires……

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    The long hot summer was so welcome  and, even though, it has come to an end, we can still enjoy the good memories of fun times spent with family and friends.  Each day was enjoyed, at a relaxed pace, with blue skies and constant sunshine. Plans were made for many ‘Gatherings’ and the days of

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    Does it get any better than this?…..

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    The last few days have been just wonderful…my parents visited…lots of yummy food, lots of chats and even more laughter…does it get any better than this…. one of the cakes I made was a simply delicious recipe I found in one (of my MANY cookbooks)…Goats Cheese and Fig Cake (from Books for

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