We found our little ‘Piece of France’ three years ago…A charming Medieval town in Burgundy oozing with all the French appeal one could wish for…picture perfect!
We love our time spent there, with lots of family and friends visiting. Everyone has been captivated by our little home and this most wonderful place.

Life seems to pass by at a much more tranquil and slower pace. There is time to enjoy the small things, which make life so wonderful.
My weeks there are filled with searching out Brocantes and Vide Greniers… or ‘Frintaging’, as I’ve come to call it!!…finding the most delightful French objects for ‘Frintage’ and, of course, little ‘bijoux’ which have found their way into our little French home…

The Summer months have proven to be very busy,  as the Vide Greniers (Empty Attics) Season was in full swing…one of my most favourite times of year in Burgundy…Very early mornings, heading out, not knowing what the day’s search will hold for me…SO thrilling…and, at the end of the day, arriving back home with all my treasured finds…